Monday 29 June 2015

MÖTLEY CRÜE's VINCE NEIL To Appear At Tulsa's 'Wizard World' Convention

Motley Crue singer Vince Neil will be among the celebrity guests at Wizard World convention, scheduled for October 23 to 25 to the Cox Business Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Neil first appearance at the event will be held in the form of a signature from one day on October 24 Also scheduled to appear are actors Ted Raimi, Nathan Fillion, Bruce Campbell, Sean Astin and Ian Somerhalder.

First Wizard World convention in Tulsa was staged in 2014 and sold out three days in advance he passes.

Mötley Crüe "The Final Tour" began last year and will end on New Year's Eve at the Staples Center in Los Angeles after one more round of concerts in North America.

Motley Crue first announced plans for "The Final Tour" by signing an agreement on cessation of touring in a press conference in Los Angeles in January 2014, consolidating the end of his career revolves December 2015. Since the announcement, the band has toured tirelessly to say goodbye to fans around the world, most recently playing their final shows in Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

The 2014 leg of "The Final Tour" was one of the highest grossing tours last year, selling nearly a million tickets across 72 cities and grossing over $ 45 million.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Ex-MÖTLEY CRÜE Singer JOHN CORABI In Discussions With MICK MARS About Writing New Music, Playing Shows

John Corabi, former singer of Mötley Crüe, cry and UNION, says it plans to collaborate again with Mötley Crüe guitarist Mick Mars after the completion of "The Final Tour" of CRUE.

Corabi originally joined Crüe in 1992 as the replacement for the original lead singer, Vince Neil, who was fired due to personal differences. With Corabi on vocals, Mötley Crüe released a critically acclaimed full-length CD, which ended up being a commercial failure following grunge despite a Top-Ten placing on the album chart. When Neil returned to the fold in 1997, Corabi was left on his own and formed the band Union with ex-KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick.

In an interview in 2012, Mars testified about 1994 self-titled Mötley Crüe. "I thought it was probably ... For me, and I can only speak for myself, I think it was probably the best album we've done music is concerned, the songs, I felt, were strong and only musically, for me, it was, I suppose, my Beatles 'White Album’; I'm not saying it's something I feel about that than any of my other albums are crummy or anything - I love every album we've done -. But you only have one special thing for me "

Asked if he plans to work with Mars again, Corabi said Jack Antonio's "Do You Know Jack?" radio (listen to audio below):”Yes, actually I was talking to him the other day Many people already know about it, but as soon as he has done doing this next tour, Mick and I have had some discussions about possibly coming in and doing some writing together and make a disk, and maybe go out and do some shows. So we'll see how it works. "

Corabi also spoke of what was playing guitar for Mötley Crüe on tour in support of the eponymous album of the band and be the guy that Mars could "bump exchange ideas." He said... "A great player Mick He does not really need anyone to dump ideas I just basically ... I can play [guitar] and play as well as I do ... Mick Mick allowed didn 't have to worry,' Well, I play my pace here. '' Okay, I have to [pause] the lonely, '' Now I have to return to the rhythm. "He had the freedom to be the lead guitarist and I was able to meet and do what the beats asked me to do what gave him the freedom to be that kind of lead. And I think he enjoyed it. "

Corabi prior to issuing Radio 93.3 WMMR in Philadelphia about the possibility of collaborating again with Mick Mars next solo album The Motley Crue guitarist: "I do not know what he wants to do musically, but at the end of the day, I love Mick Mars - which is one of the sweetest human beings you'll ever meet in your life -. and anything I can do to help his solo album, I'd be more than happy to appreciate the fact that Mick has Was just stupidly support what we did in the past, and I appreciate talent as a guitarist Mick, I think is totally underestimated And anything I can do to help, he is more than willing to help me with what I want to do So.. We’ll have to see where it goes from there. "

Thursday 29 January 2015

Motley Crue On Final Tour: 'There's Nothing Cool About Hobbling Into The Sunset'

Mötley Crüe announced the final dates of the last stage of his final tour. And no, this is not a version of Cher "final" - the band signed a contract legally binds to never tour again after this.

With just one year left Mötley Crüe live dates, the band sat down with Billboard to explain why they are calling it a day.

"There is nothing worse than seeing your favorite band or favorite athlete off into the sunset," says drummer Tommy Lee. "There is nothing good about it. We have decided that it is not our style. We'll go out swinging, full, and be like, 'that’s it, good night, and we’re out!'"

Bassist and songwriter Nikki Sixx, who is also in the band Sixx: AM, said the termination of the tour will give them time to pursue other interests. "Mötley Crüe has always come first and everything else had to wait," says Sixx. "That's a blessing and a curse. If you want to embark on a project that will take six months, you really cannot. This gives us the opportunity to do that, and that's exciting."

Check out the full interview below Crüe.

Monday 5 January 2015

JOHN CORABI Says His MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Sounds As Relevant Now As It Did When It Came Out

John Corabi, former singer of Mötley Crüe, cry and UNION recently began a tour during the 20th anniversary of the album Mötley Crüe who appeared for performing most of the songs on the album with his backing band celebrated.

Corabi originally joined Crüe in 1992 as the replacement for the original lead singer, Vince Neil, who was fired due to personal differences. With Corabi on vocals, Mötley Crüe released a critically acclaimed full-length CD, which ended up being a commercial failure following grunge despite a Top-Ten placing on the album chart. When Neil returned to the fold in 1997, Corabi was left on his own and formed the band Union with ex-KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick.

"A lot of fans said," No way I was going to buy that album when it came out, '"said Corabi on record" Mötley Crüe I think we've had a kind of base diehard fans when he left, "." but many of the people who were angry at Motley to get rid of Vince, Vince or out or what happened. But a lot of fans, once Vince came back, saw it, picked it up and ran really enjoying it. is still walking along and sell and do their thing. The best thing for me is that still sounds as relevant now as it did when it came out. "

According Corabi, the idea to revisit your time with Mötley Crüe came from a brainstorming session with your manager.

"Many people assume that faded into the sunset," said Corabi "So my manager and I had the plan to make the acoustic album and build a little further. I was going to make a new electrical recording, but said," Motley make his farewell, and are not playing any of that material found. Learn all that album and tour it. 'We just started doing it, but not much interest in the fact that we were playing that record. "

Corabi recently spoke to the radio station 93.3 WMMR in Philadelphia about the possibility of collaborating again with Mick Mars next solo album Motley Crue guitarist.”I do not know what he wants to do musically, but at the end of the day, I love Mick Mars - which is one of human beings sweetest you'll ever meet in your life - and anything I can do to help your album solo, I'd be more than happy to do it, "Corabi said.”I appreciate the fact that Mick was just stupidly support of what we did in the past, and I appreciate the talents of Mick on guitar; I think it's totally underrated and anything I can do to help, he is more than willing to help me with what I do. So I'll have to see where it goes from there. "

In an interview in 2012, Mars testified about 1994 self-titled Mötley Crüe.”I thought it was probably ... For me, and I can only speak for myself, I think it was probably the best album we've done music is concerned, the songs, I felt, were strong and only musically, for me, it was, I suppose, my Beatles 'White Album'; .. I'm not saying it's something I feel about that than any of my other albums are crummy or anything - I love every album we've done -. But you only have one special thing for me ".

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Mötley Crüe - Madison Square Garden

Better than: Seeing them in most of their other tours in the past 15 years.

"If this does not work, I do not know where you would," said Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx in the middle of final NYC show of his band.

"Perhaps you would in a concert of Mumford and Sons." Sixx's quote and jeers from the audience after they were all in good fun, but that's the nature of a Motley Crue show. In the midst of the fire, the dancing, the steps that move, and jokes Mumford was three decades in good spirits and memories. For a full Public Garden, the 80 heroes of the book about their time together in closed metal hair. To Crüe, it is logical that the final chapter was excessively libertine party came out with a series of deafening explosions.

Out for the first time on stage, and just in time for Halloween on Friday, was the still--creepy macabre and Alice Cooper. The veteran rock shock comes equipped with more support, costume and set changes than most pop stars at all times. Decades of getting your head cut off by a guillotine have served Cooper; although the shock is gone, its spookiness is as timeless as the movies and Halloween specials in heavy rotation at the moment, just in time for the holidays.

Once the supports were cleared, the sound of music "So Long, Farewell" bleeding through speakers. It was a delicate nice game before, Mötley Crüe just before he dove into the heavy, raucous "Saints of Los Angeles". This new-ish song in terms of its timeline briefly felt like an odd choice, but Mötley Crüe was intent on celebrating until the last moment of his career from its beginning to its end, so every year it seems like one gold.

Of course, no shortage of memorable tracks for the band to choose for your setlist. Soon "Wild Side" helped the soundtrack to the arrival of the two female singers backup / dancers / roadies who made some Rocky Horror-esque moves as slowly slide into ever fewer clothes during the fair. As their clothes disappeared, the number of signals increased firearms and explosives; Flames pulled Crüe final level for each song, just trying to beat themselves.

By the time we got the talk from Nikki about how it was brought the band together in Los Angeles 33 years ago, who had already beaten '' Position, "Smokin 'Same Ol'" in Room for Children ', "and a heavy confetti "Without You". Sixx forced to sit the entire audience to their story, a story expertly given an Idaho boy slowly picking his future bandmates several dives and magazine ads all over Hollywood.

With each entry in your story, the Crüe today revealed themselves to the shadows lurking in during storytime. Nothing Sixx ended, the audience was eager to get back up and dance some more, and in honor of the influences of punk had said, Sixx and Co. pulled a cover of the Sex Pistols "Anarchy in the UK" before falling into "Dr. Feelgood", followed by highlight of the night, "Shout at the Devil". What made the latter as particularly amazing contraption was called together with the low shot Nikki allowing you to set your microphone hanging in flames while still hitting the bass line?

Thursday 25 September 2014

Mötley Crüe Rumbles Through The Motions; Alice Cooper Seizes The Moment

Headliners Mötley Crüe (above) and guest Alice Cooper (below) that takes place at night Xfinity Centre Sunday. 

MANSFIELD - Mötley Crüe That remains not only around 2014, but capable of almost sold on Xfinity Center Sunday night has little to do with any lasting merit group's music may have had or any special resonance that allows his songs speak to through generations. It's because people liked in high school. And if the current tour the band is actually his past, then - to paraphrase one of the opening acts of the night - for the school to be forever.

Sunday night, the band seemed well overdue to graduate. "Too Fast for Love" seemed too fast for Vince Neil, who galumphed the stage so clumsily bassist Nikki Sixx profane description of his call girls in its heyday may well have been about a completely different frontman. Neil's voice not take over; he walked through "Girls, Girls, Girls" without the seasoning of the underworld found in the recorded version, and called for zero force when needed, shanking whole verse melody of the ballad prom "Without You".

Moreover, drummer Tommy Lee Canyon although as an excavator, when the song screamed for him to lay back. Whacking his kit at 11 at all times, offered no shade. Dio "Smokin 'in the Boys Room" shuffling, but no swing, and even metal burners vertigo as "Live Wire" called for a limberness he could not muster.

But it's not like Mötley Crüe going to start becoming a better band at this stage, and the single relentless riff of "Looks That Kill" and burn hard rubber "Kickstart My Heart" generates some solid momentum. By the time the concert ended on a satellite stage in the audience with "Home Sweet Home" Mötley Crüe had blown past the curfew place, something that his fans probably knew much about in high school.

Armed with a clearly delighted to have achieved the concert and determined to work hard and not mess up, Alice Cooper, who played before sharp band was all Mötley Crüe was not: tough and threatening, but fun, and crap (although a one-stage) that gave songs a genuine kick. If he was not as agile as his younger self, his showmanship remained, from moments of great show like transform into a giant, clumsy puppet-monster Frankenstein's and later being guillotined apparently deranged remains just mocking character directly .

The sound of two guitars of Raskins opened the concert, vacuum delivery, reactionary hard rock.

Friday 22 August 2014

Mötley Crüe Shout At The Devil One Last Time

All bad things must end touring band gave fans quite the farewell Toronto last night. Opener Alice Cooper gave a masterful performance, too ...

If All Bad Things Must End tour is truly the final hurray for Hollywood heavy-metal mavens Mötley Crüe, then it was quite the farewell gave their fans Sunday night at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre.

For two hours on the nose, the 33-year-old quartet singer Vince Neil, 53; guitarist Mick Mars, 63; bassist Nikki Sixx, 55, and drummer Tommy Lee, 51, personified the notion that excess makes the heart grow fonder. I could never have enough explosions flashpot eardrum-breaking; no shortage of shooting plumes of fire; no limit in the showers of fireworks raining down on the stage for the band to feel they were doing anything less than a disservice to more than 16,000 filled the place.

With their amps they went to "11" (and my second point of view section, the instruments always high enough to wash over sharp ridge of Neil), these dukes of debauchery spared no expense on the visual heavy pyrotechnic up such an extent that his two female harmony singers and dancers with long legs and busty often change their costumes.

And the public, perhaps anxious in this era of political correctness musically to cut loose and be transported back in time to relive their fantasies of heavy metals - or maybe just realized that this could be a historic occasion as to Crüe final appearance in Toronto - the love returned tenfold.

With some of the men who wore wigs and some throwback women squeezing in low-cut dresses she wore for the first time for decades that partied like it was the 80s glam-metal scene again, singing at the party top of your lungs with Neil for "Wild side", dancing in their seats and on top of each other during the "Shout at The Devil", hoisting their glasses of beer and high-fiving each other in the great celebration of witness their antiheroes in action.

"How many of you out there you are crazy mother * $%! Res?" Asked rhetorically Neil almost to the point of the series 20-track half way, as if I knew the answer I would get.

Neil and Sixx - the old account that looked long enough in the tooth to give up the glamor makeup of his youth, the latter ignoring that same lesson - spent time stalking the stage and work the crowd, leaving Mars worrying thick chugging riffs and leads anthems like "Dr. Feelgood" and "Kickstart My Heart" and Lee pound out rhythms giant elevator.

And yes, according to tradition, solo Lee was to be attached to "The Cobra", a long subject, steel neck that allowed the battery to slide to the top of the stage, turned 360 degrees, and you to demonstrate their gravity-defying stick handling skills . . . although, to his credit, played along with pre-recorded instead of the usual exhibition of 180 beats per second that the batteries are prone to making music.

Another highlight was about Nikki Sixx as he unapologetically colorful and told the story of the birth of Mötley Crüe, expressing gratitude for "being alive", although his version of events ignores some of the rough edges after the band endured and ultimately survived.

There was bad blood spilled tonight, and that the band took its final bow on a small b-stage in the middle of the crowd serenaded with "Home Sweet Home", one wonders if this is the final or just a short break on the way to Reunionville.

It is with no small sense of irony that his warm-up act, the eternally ageless and legendary Alice Cooper, is celebrating its 50 years of unofficially in music, and shows no signs of slowing.

In fact, the old Black Eyes seems to be improving with age, making a tight set of 13 songs that focused on his series of early 70s rock anthems - "Hello Hooray", "No More Mr. Nice Guy "and" I'm Eighteen "among them - and an emphasis on theater forever.

With a tight five-piece band with three guitarists, including Nita Strauss, Cooper appeared with a red-striped suit and spats. Before the next 50 minutes were over, I'd be wearing a lab coat, a straitjacket, a boa constrictor (and man, the snake was huge!) Being attacked by a zombie nurse, transforms into a giant Frankenstein's monster, and loses his head through the guillotine.

It was a masterful performance, and something of a homecoming for the star born in Detroit, the Toronto connection, producer Bob Ezrin, was recognized in silence for the end of "out of school" that segued into Pink Floyd "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2), "Ezrin both productions.

So while Mötley Crüe grinds to an end in early 2015, Alice Cooper becomes Dorian Gray. Something tells me this may not be the last we see of this heterogeneous group.