Thursday 26 June 2014

Motley Crue Urge Action In Support Of Indie Labels

A digital picture showdown between YouTube and independent labels has attracted the attention of Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, who is urging fans of the band to pay attention to a conflict that could have a significant and lasting impact on the music discovery in line.

Sixx posted your request on the band Facebook page, writing, "Red Alert: Motley Crue was on an independent label (we started) and later signed with a major after seeing what we already knew about ourselves.Eventually took our teachers (and power) again and have been indie since then .... Please read below ... You need to read the WHOLE .......... bands and labels need a level playing field... Please comment ... intelligent ... This is an important moment in music. "

That post pointed fans to an article in the New York Times explains the brewing battle between YouTube and a faction of independent labels who are reluctant to sign new license terms considered unfavorable - and now reportedly runs the risk that her videos (and accompanying ad revenue) blocked in retaliation. In regards to some viewers, that any company has enough muscle to play this kind of hard on artists online is a problem - and a repudiation of the initial promise of the web opening.

Alison Wenham, chief executive of the Independent Network Worldwide Director, made a provocative analogy human rights, says the Times, "The growth of the Internet, which would be a utopian leveling the playing field, a democratization of all what is actually happening is a form of cultural apartheid "Wenham also criticized the agreement in a separate interview with the paper, calling it" not a fair way of doing business "and accusing YouTube of" [looking] to hurt and punish innocent labels and musicians -. Innocent and their fans -. Order to pursue their ambitions "

Despite the protest, says the NYT that YouTube have reached an agreement with "95 percent" of its brand partners, which is the corporate code "this is happening, like it or not." As the Times points out, this kind of scorched earth war between distributors and content creators is a clear byproduct of consolidation - and as anyone who witnessed the will to fight Amazon with book publishers and movie studios understand, we probably only be seeing more of these confrontations in the future.